Our Hay Cubing Process

James Farm's unique alfalfa is grown biologically for a better balance of nutrients. James Farm fertilizes with composte, liquid micronutrients, and bacteria stimulants.
James Farm's alfalfa is Weed-Free Certified by the Utah State Department of Agriculture. The care and work put into our growing process truly produces the highest quality alfalfa hay cubes.
James Farm hay is watered by pivot.

Cutting & Chopping
First, the hay is cut using a state-of-the-art swather. Once the hay is cured, it is chopped and put into a transport wagon. The freshly chopped hay is then transported to the stationary cuber.

The hay is cut into windrows as seen in this picture.
The chopped hay is then transferred into a meter box where it begins the cubing process.

The chopped hay is then fed into the stationary cuber where it is mixed with a small amount of water and a minimal about of bentonite (used to hold the cube together) and compressed into a cube. Click through the photos to the right for further details about the cubing process.
This is the stationary cuber.
The chopped hay is placed on an asphalt pad to ensure the hay will stay dirt-free. It is then placed into the cuber.
Here you can see the detail and texture of the finished hay cubes.
This is the stationary cuber.

The finished high quality alfalfa hay cubes are then moved to a covered storage shed until delivered. The storage sheds are built on asphalt and concrete floors to keep dirt out of the hay cubes.

The hay cubes are loaded into semi trucks and delivered to our customers and retail outlets. Domestic and international delivery options are available.
James Farm Hay Cubes customers range from champion show horse breeders in Texas to high-end stables in Dubai and Japan.
The cubes are loaded into a dump truck.
Then they are transferred to a conveyor.
These bags are ready for delivery.
The cubes are loaded into a dump truck.